CBE - Applied Optimization, Machine Learning, and Data Science
Our research group (dowlinglab.nd.edu) uses state-of-the-art modeling and computational techniques to address various science and engineering challenges related to sustainability, energy, environmental protection, and biological systems. We primarily focus on applications for undergraduate research projects. This is a generic posting.
Each undergraduate researcher is paired with a graduate student or post-doc to serve as their day-to-day mentor.
In addition to expressing your interest here, please complete this Google Form (https://forms.gle/AdFpXHNvSJgXvDEe6) and then email me (adowling@nd.edu) with "Undergraduate Research" as the title. Check my ND Google calendar for my availability. Then, in your email, propose at least three 20-minute timeslots during which both you and me are free for a quick meeting.
Please see our lab website for recent research projects and publications.