EE - Image/Video and Acoustic Processing

Dr. Stevenson’s research centers around image and video processing. Any project which can contribute to this effort is acceptable. Some successful example projects which were done in the past include

  • Image Filtering
  • Video Filtering
  • Parallel Image Processing
  • Image Stabilization

Dr. Stevenson has plenty of projects which build on these examples and some which take a completely different direction. If the examples interest you, stop by to talk to him about specific projects on which you may be able to contribute to as an undergraduate researcher.

The course is run as individual projects (sometimes 2 people team up to work together). After 2-3 weeks of meeting as a group, students select independent projects to work on for the rest of the semester. Meetings with Dr. Stevenson are then held individually once a week for approximately 1/2 hour. Meeting topics generally center around what was accomplished during the past week and current problems or goals. At the end of the semester the student must

  • prepare a written report (10-20 pages)
  • give a fifteen minute presentation about the project to two faculty members

Grades are based on what was accomplished and the effort put forth by the student.

Name of research group, project, or lab
Robert Stevenson Lab
Logistics Information:
Project categories
Electrical Engineering
Student ranks applicable
Student qualifications

EE majors

Hours per week
1 credit / 3-6 hours
2 credits / 6-12 hours
3 credits / 12+ hours
Research for Credit
Number of openings
Contact Information:
Name of project director or principal investigator
Robert Stevenson
Email address of project director or principal investigator
2 sp. | 3 appl.
Hours per week
1 credit / 3-6 hours (+2)
1 credit / 3-6 hours2 credits / 6-12 hours3 credits / 12+ hours
Project categories
Electrical Engineering